
Approving and paying meal allowance claims

January 22, 2008

A Station Officer recently contacted the Union after he was directed to seek approval from his Inspector before he paid meal allowance claims. Whilst this is not a common occurrence, it is worth reminding members, and more to the point the Department, that under the Award the officer-in-charge is authorised to make these payments.

There is no doubt that the officer-in-charge is the Station Officer, and whilst Station Officer’s are accountable for the payments made from petty cash and should only pay claims in accordance with the award, it is not reasonable for the Station Officer to have to obtain approval before making these payments.

Arrangements to conduct out of station activities should, where possible, be organised around meal and refreshment breaks.

If an incident or activity is followed by an incident in close succession, preventing members from partaking in a refreshment or meal back in the station, the activity and the incidents are treated as one continuing incident for the purposes of the award.

No activity should be commenced or recommenced after an incident until proper meal and refreshment periods have been accessed.

Simon Flynn

State Secretary



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