
General Notice – November 2005

…Members are not to order, complete or issue FAN forms until notified otherwise by the Union. Hand-held Computers – Members are not to participate in or assist in the use…

SITREP No. 40/2010

…had an 8 hour break from the conclusion of the final exam they attend. For example, if you finish an exam at 1600 hours and are rostered to start at…

2004 Annual General Meeting results

…9. From the State Committee re Union Communications ‘That this meeting recognises the need for the Union to adopt effective and contemporary communication strategies and to review its approach in…

2004 AGM Agenda

…Union forum, one forum for each Sub-Branch and one forum for retired Associate members). These forums would enable full and robust interactive discussions on Union policy, activities and industrial concerns…

General Notice

…staffing dispute “That State Committee notes and condemns Commissioner Mullins’ repeatedly provocative and misleading statements in opposition to the Union’s campaign for additional permanent firefighters for the Lismore community. We…

Overview of new Awards

…BA/Hazmat sections) and 6.6.15 (for 9Stn’s Station Officers) have been folded into one new subclause for all at 6.6.12. A new allowance of $12.45 per shift for the two members…

Commissioner cancels Xmas

and operational staff be paid TWO normal basic fortnightly pays for January 2000, together with a normal basic fortnightly pay for period ending 30 December, 1999 on 30 December, 1999….

O’Farrell’s Workers Comp – the bullet we just dodged

…age 68, compensation for pain and suffering and medical treatment for life: Workers comp weekly payments prior to medical retirement @ $1,398 per week x 52 weeks = $72,696 Workers…

SitRep 18/2020

…the members for your support and understanding and our staff for their hard work. Now is a good time to remind members, and especially our growing number of delegates and