
SITREP No. 44/2010

November 3, 2010

Inside this issue:

  • Relieving bans remain in force
  • Attendance management interviews – beware
  • Senior Officers (Un)reasonable hours campaign

Relieving bans remain in force

The dispute which gave rise to the imposition of relieving bans at 1800 hours yesterday was heard by the IRC at 9am this morning. The IRC’s Deputy President Grayson directed the parties to confer. At the meeting which followed, the Union repeated its proposed terms for settlement – terms which DP Grayson had recommended the Department give serious consideration to. The Union left that meeting at 3.20pm with the Department reviewing its position and has heard nothing further since.

DP Grayson also made dispute orders which were to come into effect if the Union had not observed his recommendation to lift the bans by 4pm this afternoon. The Union has not lifted its bans, and will not do so until the Commissioner rescinds his termination of our member as a ‘no longer suitable person” under Section 12(1)(b) of the Regs.

Members are reminded that only the Union lifts Union bans. The relieving bans which were imposed in the Code Red issued 2 November remain in force and are to be observed by all members until further notice from the State Secretary.

Attendance management interviews – beware

The Union understands that some Attendance Management Protocol (AMP) interviews are being scheduled to review sick leave absences that occurred more than 6 months ago. I one current instance, a member has been summoned to discuss sick leave absences that occurred between September 2009 and June 2010.

This is not only unfair, it is also outside of the AMP which requires management to initiate the review process within 2 weeks of the hours/occurrence threshold having been reached. One letter also infers that the member has breached the AMP by taking sick leave adjacent to a period of Annual Leave. This does not constitute a breach of the AMP.

Members are reminded to fax copies of any and all AMP letters received to the Union office. Members who receive letters for absences that occurred more than 6 months ago are advised to decline to attend interviews. The Union has asked the Department to advise its managers of the same.

Senior Officers (Un)reasonable Hours Campaign

Members of the Senior Officers Sub-Branch are advised that an important SOSB meeting will be held next Tuesday, 9 November commencing 10am at the Union’s office, 1-7 Belmore St Surry Hills. There is only one item on the agenda and all SOSB members who can do so are encouraged to attend.

Jim Casey

State Secretary



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