
SITREP 17/2018

June 15, 2018

Inside this issue:

  • Recalls and kilometres – update #6
    Industrial action to commence 0800 hrs Tuesday 19 June
  • Another retained rip-off looms defeated – update #1
  • Health Check Pack finalised
  • 2018 Rex tickets now on sale

Recalls and kilometres – update #6

Industrial action to commence 0800 hrs Tuesday 19 June

SitRep 16 reported on our threat of industrial action from any time onwards unless the Department committed to pay all outstanding kilometre entitlements on Thursday 21 June. The Department’s response has been to do and say nothing at all – sticking its head in the sand and hoping we’d go away – so if the Department won’t pay us what we are owed then we’ll no longer collect their fines for them.

All FBEU members, permanent and retained, are hereby instructed that commencing 0800 hours on Tuesday 19 June, the only stop code to be given for any and all Automatic Fire Alarm calls that are not ‘working’ jobs is the (non-chargeable) code 702.

This industrial action harms or inconveniences nobody except the employer – and Commissioner Baxter can easily avoid it by ordering a stop to the theft of our wages and paying us the kilometre allowances (believed to be worth almost $1M) we are owed. More to follow.

Another retained rip-off looms defeated – update #1

SitRep 16 reported on a new dispute triggered by the Department’s advertisement for “Retained Unit Trainers” on $41.49 per hour, which breached the spirit and intent of the Retained Award’s subclause 6.7 Relief Duties provisions. As a result of yesterday’s IRC proceedings (there is a link to the Union’s dispute notification and related documents can be read by clicking here), the Department today agreed to our demand for payment at the $41.49 per hour for training their own station, and payment under subclause 6.7 for each instance of training at any other station, including payment a minimum of 3 hours pay at $74.52 per hour. An amended advertisement extending the deadline for applications for these temporary unit trainer roles by a week to 24 June and showing the 79% increase in the previously advertised hourly rate of pay is expected to be issued by the Department shortly.

Health Check Pack finalised

Following our last brief health and fitness report in Sitrep 11, the Health Check Pack and all (well, almost all) of the associated details around the health check process have finally been settled after no less than 32 separate IRC hearings over more than two years of negotiation and conciliation. The IRC Full Bench issued a statement on the history and outcome of those proceedings that can be found together with the full and final Health Check Pack here below:

For the Full Bench statement, click here.
For the Health Check Pack, click here.

2018 Rex tickets now on sale

Tickets are now on sale for the 4th Rex Threlfo Annual Toast to be held at Doltone House Hyde Park on Tuesday 24 July. Tickets remain at $45 for current and Associate members, and $94 per head (ie, at cost) for all others. Click here to purchase your ticket.

Leighton Drury
State Secretary

For a print version of this SitRep click here.



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