
Hailstorm Advice Confirmed

May 5, 1999

5 May, 1999

CHO/0461 1

New South Wales Fire Brigades
227 Elizabeth Street
Sydney NSW 2000
PO Box A249 Sydney South 1232

Mr Chris Read
State Secretary
NSW Fire Brigade Employees’ Union
267 Sussex Street

Dear Chris

RE: Sydney Hail Storm Incident.

I refer to your correspondence of 28th and 29th April, 1999 in relation to the entitlements of Permanent and Retained Firefighters who have or are, attending the Sydney Hail Storm Incident.

The content of the NSW FBEU circulars dated Wednesday 21 April and Thursday 29 April, 1999 for Retained and Permanent Firefighters respectively, are agreed to by the Department.

In this regard, a scanning of the abovementioned NSW FBEU circulars have been provided to the Pay Office and Regional Human Resource Managers in addition to Greenacre through the GroupWise System on Wednesday 5 May, 1999. This should ensure a smooth processing of claims by appropriate Firefighters.

Finally, I take this opportunity to thank you and your organisation for the co-operation shown during this ongoing incident.

Yours sincerely
I D Mac Dougall AC



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