
D&D Dispute Update #21 – SGM

September 29, 1999

Trades Hall Auditorium

Goulburn Street, Sydney

Wednesday 13th October

Day Section: 1000 hrs (B Pltn on shift), Night Section: 1900 hrs (C Pltn on shift)

Details of Sub-Branch meetings (CSB, NSB, ISB) will be circulated locally shortly.


1. Apologies

2. State Secretary’s Report – including a full update on the D&D Dispute

3. D&D Dispute – State Committee of Management recommendation:

“That the Government’s latest D&D offer, dated September 24, be rejected.”

4. 1999 Wage Claim – State Committee of Management recommendation:

“That 4% per annum wage increases be adopted as the non-negotiable minimum wage outcome acceptable to the Union under the Awards now due or pending, and that this claim be served immediately upon the Government.”

5. AFA Bans – State Committee of Management recommendation:

“That the Union’s current bans relating to automatic fire alarms be varied, effective immediately, to the extent that with the exception of nursing homes, hospitals and other premises accommodating non-ambulatory persons, no member shall henceforth be responded to any incident other than by way of 000 telephone calls. However, once (and if) attended, AFA systems are to be reset and/or otherwise dealt with as per usual practice.”

6. Meeting Adjourn/Close

Chris Read
State Secretary 



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