
Xmas & New Year’s Eve, 1999

November 8, 1999


Negotiations between public sector unions, the Labor Council of NSW and the NSW Government have led to broad agreement on special arrangements for the Xmas/New Year period, with the actual implementation within each Government agency to be negotiated with the relevant union(s). Accordingly, our Union is now seeking the Department’s agreement on the following provisions.

1. Additional Public Holidays – 20 Hours’ Leave

In line with Clause 6.4 of the Award, an additional 20 hours’ consolidated leave is to be credited to all permanent members in lieu of the Government’s gazettal of additional public holidays which have been declared on Tuesday 28 December 1999, Friday 31 December 1999 (1/2 Public Holiday) and Monday 3 January 2000.

2. New Year’s Eve – Base Rate + 300%

All members – permanent and retained – actually working at any time between 1800 hrs on 31/12/99 and 0900 hrs on 1/1/00 will be paid at their base rate, plus 300% (ie 4 times your usual Rate of Pay). Permanent members on overtime between these hours will have their pay capped at the above rate (ie max 400%).

3. New Year’s Eve – $250 Standby

A flat $250 standby payment is to be made to all public sector workers who are on call over New Year’s Eve. Accordingly, our Union will be seeking this payment for all available retained members, together with any permanent members who will be on call (eg Country S/O’s, Executive Officers, Fleet Officers, etc.).

4. Union Picnic Day – 8 Hours’ Leave

The Government has granted all public sector workers without an official Union Picnic Day in their Award an additional holiday in lieu, to be accessed on either 29/12/99 or 30/12/99. There is no Picnic Day within our Awards and as such, our Union will seek a further 8 hours’ consolidated leave for all permanent members consistent with the spirit and intent of Clause 6.4. For retained members, we will be seeking one day’s paid leave, to be accessed on either day (ie half the Station’s members one day, half the other), with payment to be as per Clause

The Union has already sought a meeting with the Department on these claims, the outcome of which will be conveyed to members as soon as possible.
Chris Read,
State Secretary 



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