Union D&D bans clarified
November 30, 1999
The following advice was approved by yesterday’s meeting of the State Committee of Management to serve as a guide on the intention and application of our Union’s current industrial bans. As such, it should assist members by removing any “grey” areas on the bans, although members may still contact the Union Office for clarification if any doubt or confusion exists as to whether a particular work activity is permitted or banned.
Relieving, Outduties and Stand-bys
Members in the GSA, Zones N3, N7, S3, Katoomba, Broken Hill, Turvey Park and Albury may not:
1) Perform any relieving, stand-bys or outduties. All members within these Zones are to remain at their base station (except where they voluntarily relieve at country stations outside of these areas)
2) Change platoons to fill known or unknown absences. Members who act as ‘z-men’ should remain at their base station on the Platoon that they are currently working until further notice
Members may:
3) Perform relieving duties at all other country stations, with the exception of the separate dispute operating at CSB back to back roster stations (which prevents cross Platoon relieving at those 6 stations, but does not prevent the use of external relievers).
4) Voluntarily be seconded and/or remain on secondment to specialist areas without the need to return to their base station (ie secondees are exempt from relieving bans).
Transfers and Promotions
Members may not:
5) Transfer to or from fire stations within:
a) the Greater Sydney Area (GSA) (ie. Zones N1, N2 NW1, NW2, S1, S2 SW1 &SW2) or
b) the Newcastle area (ie. Zone N3), or
c) the Central Coast area (ie. Zone N7) or
d) the Wollongong area (ie S3)
subject to exemptions A3, A4 & A5 (see below).
6) Transfer to a position vacated by another member who has been voluntarily transferred (as per 7) or 8)) or promoted (as per 9)), unless of course the member filling the vacancy is also being voluntarily transferred (as per 7) or 8)) or promoted (as per 9)).
Members may:
7) Voluntarily transfer to or from the Greater Sydney Area (ie. N1, N2, NW1, NW2, SW1, SW2,) and/or any other Zone, subject to the provisions of Clause 28 of the Award.
8) Voluntarily transfer to or from one specialist area to another, or from a specialist area to a Zone/station, or from a Zone/station to a specialist area. For the purposes of these bans, a “specialist area” is generally considered to be any area which is not operating as a fire station.
9) Be transferred to any other location if promoted from firefighter to S/O, S/O to Inspector and/or Inspector to Superintendent in order to carry out their new duties.
10) be transferred to any station when they graduate from the Training College.
Paperwork & Administrative Duties
Members, other than those members engaged in training, public education, fire prevention, or any area within “the Tower” (eg corporate strategy, personnel, etc.), may not:
11) Complete occurrence books, fire reports, fire permits, station registers or false alarm charge sheets.
12) Submit reports unless the member writing the report considers that there are compelling reasons for doing so. Such reasons may be related to safety or issues of similar urgency or where submitting a report will advance the interests of members. Reports shall not be submitted where the subject matter relates to discipline or matters of a day to day nature.
13) Engage in any other paperwork or administrative duties on behalf of the Department other than paperwork which is in our members’ interests, or work associated with the connection of new AFAs.
14) Perform any catch-up paperwork or administrative duties at the conclusion of the dispute.
Members may (and should):
15) Perform paperwork/administrative duties which are in our members’ interests (including safety) , such as members’ pay sheets, workers comp. claims, leave applications, promotions (including exams, etc.), position applications/ interviews, order forms for new equipment/stores (eg furniture), fumigation forms etc and the S/O’s diary.
16) Where they receive paperwork from other sections of the Department which is subject to the bans, return such paperwork (unprocessed) to its place of origin.
17) Undertake other individual tasks/projects which may be exempted by the Union from time to time, provided that members should not do so unless a notice signed by the State Secretary or President expressly exempting a particular task or project from the bans has been received.
Selection Interviews
Members may:
18) Participate in selection interviews/panels for uniformed positions within the NSWFB.
Members may not:
19) Participate in selection interviews/panels for non-uniformed positions within the NSWFB or any positions external to the NSWFB.
Members may not:
20) Participate in any training which is not “new” or “additional” training (eg. hose and hydrant drills, evacuation drills, etc.)
21) Participate in ordinary schools or drills, or engage in any training that explicitly forms part of the station drill program (eg. the twenty two drill exercises).
Members may:
22) Participate in any “new” and/or “additional” training (eg. Recruit training, aerial training – even GroupWise training, FSD / FIU lectures etc.)
23) Participate in any training necessary to maintain qualifications (eg. Aerial evolutions, rescue training/exams, etc.)
Brigade Exercises
Members may not:
24) Participate in joint drills/training exercises with other services (eg. Airports, RFS, etc.)
25) Participate in any management-initiated public education or public relations exercises (eg. ComSafe evacuation drills, etc.) [amended 1/12/99]
Members may:
26) Carry out inspections of premises for familiarisation and/or the connection of new AFAs.
27) Conduct hydrant inspections, SWS activities and station-based public relations and public education activities, provided that no charges, paperwork or other administrative duties are to be undertaken. The term station-based is deliberate, and prevents members from participating in any event, PR or public education, which has not been organised by members at the station.
28) Members may not attend lock-outs.
Station Work
Members may not:
29) Mow lawns, wash appliances, sweep engine bays, raise or lower flags, move furniture, etc.
Members may:
30) Carry out any station work which is necessary to maintain station hygiene and operational readiness. Members’ amenities are to be kept clean and tidy, and appliances and equipment are to be serviced and maintained.
Members may not:
31) Levy any charges (or undertake paperwork relating to same) concerning AFA systems, HAZMAT operations or ComSafe activities, nor engage in any such activity where it is known that the Department is charging for same.
District Trucks
Members may not:
32) Transport a firefighter’s turnout gear at the completion of a recall. Members on recall must transport their gear to AND from the recall station to their base station, which therefore entitles them to claim return kilometres for each and every recall performed.
Members may:
33) Transport firefighting equipment to and from an incident, time sheets and correspondence to/from stations and other work locations.
Note: Trucks are always to be staffed by one firefighter per platoon, and are to be considered part of the station’s safe minimum crewing.
Motor Movements
34) Members may not perform motor movements.
Paperwork & Administrative Duties
Members may not:
R1) Complete occurrence books (except to record attendances for payment purposes), fire reports (except sections A3, A4, A6, A8, A14, A15, A16, A17 and A23), fire permits, station registers or false alarm charge sheets.
R2) Submit reports unless the member writing the report considers that it is in his/her interest to do so (or in the interest of their fellow members).
R3) Engage in any other paperwork or administrative duties on behalf of the Department other than paperwork which is in our members’ interests, or work associated with the connection of new AFAs.
R4) Perform any catch-up paperwork or administrative duties at the conclusion of the dispute.
Members may (and should):
R5) Perform paperwork/administrative duties which are in our members’ interests (including safety), such as members’ pay sheets, workers comp. claims, leave applications, position applications/ interviews, order forms for new equipment/stores (eg furniture) and fumigation forms etc.
R6) Where they receive paperwork (from other sections of the Department) which is subject to the bans, return such paperwork (unprocessed) to its place of origin.
R7) Undertake other duties which may be exempted by the Union from time to time, provided that members should not do so unless a notice signed by the State Secretary or President expressly exempting a particular task or project from the bans has been received.
Selection Interviews
Members may:
R8) Participate in selection interviews/panels for uniformed positions within the NSWFB.
Members may not:
R9) Participate in selection interviews/panels for non-uniformed positions within the NSWFB or any positions external to the NSWFB.
Members may not:
R10) Participate in ordinary Captains drills, or engage in any training that explicitly forms part of the retained drill program. Retained members are still to attend, but not participate, in stations drills.
Members may:
R11) Participate in any training necessary to maintain qualifications (eg. rescue training etc.)
Brigade Exercises
Members may not:
R12) Participate in joint drills/training exercises with other services (eg. SES, RFS, etc.)
R13) Participate in any management-initiated training, public education or public relations exercises (eg. ComSafe evacuation drills, etc.)
Members may:
R14) Carry out inspections of premises for familiarisation and/or the connection of new AFAs.
R15) Conduct hydrant inspections, SWS activities and station-based public relations and public education activities, provided that no charges, paperwork or other administrative duties are to be undertaken. The term station-based is deliberate, and prevents members from participating in any event, PR or public education, which has not been organised by members at the station.
R16) Members may not attend lock-outs.
Station Work
Members may not:
R17) Mow lawns, wash appliances, sweep engine bays, raise or lower flags, move furniture, etc.
Members may:
R18) Carry out any station work which is necessary to maintain station hygiene and operational readiness. Members’ amenities are to be kept clean and tidy, and appliances and equipment are to be serviced and maintained.
Members may not:
R19) Levy any charges (or undertake paperwork relating to same) concerning AFA systems, HAZMAT operations or ComSafe activities, nor engage in any such activity where it is known that the Department is charging for same.
Motor Movements
R20) Members may not perform motor movements.
Members may not
E1) Produce or process Ministerials;
E2) Attend Station Openings or similar Brigades’ functions;
E3) Conduct Disciplinary Inquiries;
E4) Participate in Personal Development Plans;
E5) Prepare Business Plans;
E6) Participate as a Committee member in Staff Selection Interviews (other than for NSWFB uniformed positions);
E7) Work on any Service Level Agreements;
E8) Work on Mutual Aid Agreements or other inter-agency activities (excluding District Bushfire Management Committees in own area).
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