Aerial Evolution or Spin, Update on Current Bans
March 18, 2005
Inside this notice:
- Aerial evolutions or spin
- Reminder – Members on Worker’s Compensation
- Union Retirement Gift
- Reminder of Union bans still in force
Aerial evolutions or spin
No amount of spin can avoid the fact that less firefighters and less firefighting resources means less public and firefighter safety. It’s really that simple. All the risk management and isochromatic posturing in the world won’t change that.
The removal of Alexandria’s hydraulic platform on Monday has not only left the residents of that area wanting, it’s also left wanting many facts surrounding the issue. True, the Union has known of the Department’s intention to remove that appliance, but what’s also true is our resolve since the mid-nineties to keep it for the safety of firefighters and the community.
By allowing external rather than internal firefighting and a facility for mass rescue, that retention has been justified by reducing the dangers to firefighters. Whilst there were discussions about developing a productivity initiative by including and totally supporting the installation of a new aerial appliance at Hornsby, this did not involve the removal of 13’s aerial. It is correct the Union was unable to attend a pre-arranged meeting with the Commissioner at 1430hrs last Monday to discuss 13’s aerial, but the fact the Department had us in the IRC over the dispute from 1430hrs till 1900hrs could account for that.
The Union continues to negotiate with the Department over this issue and it is hoped that consultation and cooperation before and during development of these proposals rather than ultimatums should prevent further conflict.
Reminder – Members on Worker’s Compensation
Members who are on workers compensation, because they are either unfit for all fire fighting duties or they are fit for restricted duties but none are available, are reminded that under the Worker’s Compensation Act 1987 they are entitled to be paid the amount of any annual leave entitlement that coincides with the period of worker’s compensation. This payment is in addition to the weekly payment, in lieu of the period of leave.
Alternatively, members may elect to have the leave re-credited to be taken at a later date. If members have any questions about this entitlement they should contact the Union Office.
Union Retirement Gift
The State Committee has resolved to explore a change to the Union gift presented to retiring members, and seeks your ideas and suggestions as to an appropriate gift. Please fax or email your suggestions to the Union Office.
Reminder of Union bans still in force
Members are reminded that the following Union bans remain in force:
Sick Leave Management Protocol
The Sick Leave Management Protocol contained within NSWFB Standing Orders remains banned, and no Union member is to help administer or otherwise participate in that protocol until further notice.
Vehicle Inspection Check Sheets
Members are not to participate in the trial of this new reporting system until notified otherwise by the Union.
False Alarm Notification (FAN) forms
Members are not to order, complete or issue FAN forms until notified otherwise by the Union
Hand-held Computers
Members are not to participate in or assist in the use of this equipment until notified otherwise by the Union.
Permanent stand-bys
Permanent members are reminded that stand-bys have been banned by the Union, effective 6 July 2004 and that with the exception of dedicated relievers, each and every movement from your base station to another station/location since that date is to be regarded and counted as an out-duty.
The Bushfire Risk Information Management System (BRIMS) remains banned, effective 6 July 2004, and is therefore not to be used or accessed by any member until further notice.
Recycled Water
The Union stands by its ban on the use of Recycled Water, except to save life, until guarantees can be made about firefighter safety.
Stage 2 ICMS remains banned.
Electronic PIP Trial
The Electronic PIP Trial remains banned.
MSA Orion Gas Detectors
The roll out of MSA Orion Gas Detectors as new inventory to stations has yet to be agreed.
Trials Agreed
Station Inventory Management System
Pre-Trial Training for the Tactical Communications Project Update
Craig Harris
State Secretary
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