
General update March 2006

March 2, 2006

Inside this notice:

  • FL3 and FL4 ranks end today
  • PSTP Stage 2 negotiations update
  • Asbestos at Holsworthy

FL3 and FL4 ranks to end today

As demonstrated in last week’s notice, the Union’s successful conclusion of the PSTP stage 1 negotiations (Recruit to QF) resulted in significant payrises above the general 4% for junior permanent ranks. It’s also meant that the ranks of Firefighter Level 3 and Firefighter Level 4 (or the old 2nd Class and 1st Class B Fireman ranks) will cease to exist from midnight today. The impact of this change will be as follows:

Rank (and pay) today Rank (and pay) on and from tomorrow, Friday 3 March

Recruit ($811.53 pw)                              Recruit ($843.99 pw – 4% increase)

Firefighter Level 1 ($878.48 pw)        Firefighter Level 1 ($978.81 pw – 11.4% increase)

Firefighter Level 2 ($920.23 pw)        Firefighter Level 1 ($978.81 pw – 6.4% increase)

Firefighter Level 3 ($962.05 pw)        Firefighter Level 2 ($1,033.19 pw – 7.4% increase)

Firefighter Level 4 ($1,003.86 pw)     Qualified Firefighter ($1,087.56 pw – 8.3% increase)

Qualified Firefighter ($1,045.73 pw) Qualified Firefighter ($1,087.56 pw – 4% increase)

PSTP stage 2 negotiations update

Negotiations for the second stage of the PSTP (QF through to Inspector) are progressing well, albeit more slowly than expected. The two main thrusts of the Union’s proposals to date are:

1. to ramp up Leading Firefighter from its current status as a transitional rank to a new rank in its own right. No cap on the number of Leading Firefighters in the job will mean greatly expanded promotional opportunities for all members of Senior Firefighter rank and below, and much improved career options for members stationed outside of the GSA; and

2. to adjust the relativity of the Station Officer Level 2 rank from the current 125% to 130% of the QF rate, which will have a similar impact for SO’s as the stage 1 changes had on our junior ranks , as shown below:

S/O Level 2 today S/O Level 2 pay, subject to PSTP agreement

$1,359.49 pw                                      $1,470.39 pw – and increase of $110.90 pw, or 8.2%

As happened for the stage 1 package in June 2005,  final agreement will be subject to the endorsement of members at a Special General Meeting. More to follow.

Asbestos at Holsworthy

The Union this morning was briefed by the Commissioner in regard to asbestos found at the USAR training site at Holsworthy. Whilst the Department’s handling of this matter has been appropriate to date, the FBEU will join other affiliates at a specially convened meeting of Unions NSW tomorrow to monitor the situation and ensure that the employer fulfils its responsibilities to both our members, and to all potentially exposed workers. In the interim, members with concerns about possible exposure are encouraged to make use of the dedicated information line – call 1800 109 577.


Craig Harris

State Secretary



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