
Is your Fire Brigade superfluous?

September 15, 2006

The results of the Unions Special General Meeting and votes held at Sub Branch meetings throughout the state are now through and all three proposals put forward by the State Committee have been overwhelmingly endorsed. All of the meetings considered and debated those items on the agenda with at least one member of the Unions State Committee able to address most meetings.

The level of participation across the state has been the highest in over two years thus ensuring that as many members as possible have a say in the future of our industry and the democratic process’ that make our Union strong.

The FBEU has now written to the Department and sought an immediate meeting to progress the issues. The Department in light the general meeting result has this afternoon contacted the FBEU confirming that it is prepared to meet as early as Monday to progress the matters.

Mysteriously enough the Departments items of correspondence to and from the FBEU are no longer accessible from the NSWFB intranet site so the Union taken the liberty of once again making these letters available –this time on our website.

Members should be under no illusions that we will be immune from budget cuts after the March state election.  All public sector agencies including fire services will be forced to cut programs and services to re-balance the state budget. Perhaps then it will start to become more apparent what exactly the Department meant when it referred to “superfluous” fire stations in its letter dated the 12th of September, 2006.

The FBEU and now most of its members have a clear understanding of just exactly what budget cuts mean for us and we won’t be caught napping if and when the Department tries once again to unilaterally cut front line services.

Simon Flynn

State Secretary



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