
Four hour payment case

August 21, 2007

On Monday 20 August the Department and the Union returned to the Industrial Relations Commission (IRC) over the four hour minimum payment for recalls adjoining rostered shifts dispute. The Union originally won this case, with the IRC determining that regardless of whether or not a recall is attached to a rostered shift, members are entitled to the four hour minimum payment of overtime. However, the Department has appealed this decision and has attempted to introduce new evidence and is threatening to limit members’ ability to take consolidated leave by amending In Orders 1997/24. It was argued by the Department that members would have to take a minimum of four hours consolidated leave (as opposed to the current one hour) so as to cover the cost of overtime and further, not be allowed to take consolidated leave at the end of a day shift.

At this stage the appeal has been adjourned and remains unresolved. Negotiations are expected to continue with the Department in the interim.

Simon Flynn
State Secretary



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