
Fire ground Health and Fitness testing and AL audit update

January 30, 2009

Fire ground Health and Fitness testing

This week the Department stood down two members following health checks conducted on the fireground. Whilst in the past ambulance officers have provided members with advice about taking rest breaks during incidents, never has this information been used by management to stand people down indefinitley from operational duty.

To be clear, the Union does not agree that the Department has the authority to suspend members or make their return to duty conditional on the provision of a medical certificate as a result of fireground health and fitness tests.

The affected members are instructed to ignore management’s direction and are to report for duty accordingly.

Any member who is questioned or challenged over their adherence to this instruction should immediatley contact the Union office or their State Committee of Management representative. The Union will respond accordingly if the Deparmtent threatens any member for their adherance to this or any other FBEU instructions.

Annual Leave Audit update

Following the Union’s letter the Department has agreed to split the audit data into pre and post six-year amounts and not to recover credits made to those where owed leave. Discussions shall continue early next week with regard to leave recoveries from pre January 2003 and access to payroll infomation.

Simon Flynn

State Secretary



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