Notice of 104th Annual General Meeting
October 1, 2014
The State Committee of Management has resolved to hold the 104th AGM commencing Wednesday 29 October 2014 at the Trades Hall Auditorium, 377 Sussex Street Sydney.
Members are reminded that in accordance with Rule 11, the opening section of the AGM will be the only meeting at which the items on the attached agenda may be amended. Sub-Branch meetings will then consider and vote on the motions as finalised at the opening meeting, with a closing meeting to occur as follows:
Wednesday 29 October – The opening section will be held commencing 1000 hours at the Trades Hall Auditorium, 377 Sussex Street, Sydney.
Monday 3 November –The closing section will be held at 97 Station, Huntingwood, commencing 1200 hours
Retained and Country Sub-Branch members may meet locally (but once only) at any time between 1830 hours on Wednesday 29 October and 1900 hours on Sunday 2 November provided that:
a) a quorum of least seven financial Union members will be present throughout the course of the meeting; and
b) written notice of intention to hold a meeting together with the proposed time, date and location is received by the Union office by no later than 1700 hours on Thursday 16 October.
All other Sub-Branch meetings will be held between the opening and closing sections. A separate notice advising the times, dates and locations of all Sub-Branch meetings will be faxed to all members’ workplaces and posted on the Union’s website by 1800 hours on Friday 17 October.
Members are reminded of Rule 51(18), which provides that “any financial member of the Union is entitled to attend, participate in and vote at any Sub-Branch meeting held pursuant to sub-rule (6), but only insofar as their attendance, participation and voting concerns the business on the agenda of a General Meeting.”
- Meeting Open
- Adoption of Minutes
“That the draft minutes of the Union’s 103rd Annual General Meeting, held on Thursday 31 October 2013, as published on the Union’s website on 1 October 2014, be received, noted and adopted as a true and correct record of that meeting.”
State Committee Recommendation: SUPPORT
- State Secretary’s Annual Report
- Notices of Motion
2014 Permanent Award
“That the proposed 2014 Permanent Award as reported on and published on the Union’s website on 1 October 2014, be received, noted and endorsed, and that the State Secretary be authorised to now arrange for the making of the Award by the Industrial Relations Commission of NSW”
State Committee Recommendation: SUPPORT
Appointment of the Union’s Auditors
“That the accounting firm of Grant Thornton be re-appointed as the Union’s auditors for a further period of two years and until the 2016 Annual General Meeting is held in accordance with Rule 40.”
State Committee Recommendation: SUPPORT
- Meeting close
For a printable copy of the AGM Notice and Agenda please click here.
For a copy of the 2013 AGM Minutes please click here.
Jim Casey
State Secretary
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