SitRep 28/2022
May 20, 2022
The FBEU has become aware this week that despite a commitment to the contrary, FRNSW has in fact made deductions from employees’ wages in recovery of alleged overpayments relating to the flood deployments.
The FBEU has raised this concern directly with FRNSW this week who have committed to reviewing the matter and providing a response.
If you have had a deduction made from your wages in these circumstances please contact the FBEU directly via email (with evidence of your deduction where possible) via
We also understand that some Members have in fact been underpaid in relation to these deployments. If this is the case and you have not previously raised this with the FBEU please also contact the office via the above email address.
Yesterday the FBEU was provided with an updated draft of the COVID-19 Risk Assessment.
As I am sure Members can appreciate, this document is lengthy and requires careful consideration given the implications for our Member’s health and safety.
In line with this, the FBEU has requested a track changed copy from FRNSW to allow us to properly consider the changes proposed.
FRNSW have advised that they are unable to provide a track changed version at this stage as it appears there have been various iterations of this document between the previous version and this proposed version.
The FBEU is concerned that FRNSW are making changes to this document outside of the appropriate consultation mechanisms and have today raised that matter directly with them.
Once the FBEU is in possession of the necessary information to progress consultation on this matter the FBEU will provide further information to Members.
In the meantime we are aware that FRNSW have distributed to all staff both the draft updated risk assessment and a survey regarding mandating COVID-19 booster vaccinations as a further control measure. The FBEU wishes to make clear we have not been consulted regarding the survey and its contents nor in relation to whether a third dose of a COVID-19 vaccination is an appropriate control measure.
We understand that despite FRNSW advising that the survey is confidential we have no assurances as to that fact and understand that in order to access the survey, you may need to be logged into the FRNSW intranet via your personal login and therefore identifying you.
Given this matter goes directly to a Member’s health and safety, matters of a personal and sensitive nature for some employees, and given the current lack of consultation with the FBEU, if any Member feels uncertain, or uncomfortable completing the survey or providing feedback on the risk assessment, such feedback can be provided directly to the FBEU as your representative via email at
Once FRNSW engages in a full and proper consultation process with the FBEU on these matters the FBEU will be in a position to provide Member feedback on these matters.
As previously advised, negotiations on the Award continue.
The parties are due to meet again next Wednesday 25 May to have one final meeting in order to reduce the matters in dispute prior to our attendance at the IRC on 30 May.
Members will be informed after that meeting as to the status of items currently being considered between the parties.
In Unity
Michael Johnsen
Acting State Secretary
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