
SitRep 8/2024

February 23, 2024

Bargaining Dispute Imminent

As detailed in Sitrep 6, last week the FBEU wrote to Premier Minns requesting his urgent intervention in order to avoid an escalation of an industrial dispute pertaining to our Awards. 

A response to the letter from Industrial Relations Minister Cotsis came yesterday morning and can be found here. As you will read, Minister Cotsis acknowledges that bargaining between the parties should have commenced, and states that FRNSW is actively considering the Union’s log of claims, and that the parties would commence immediate discussion the same day. The Minister also urges the FBEU to reconsider progressing the industrial action developed by the FBEU Bans Committee.

In good-faith, FBEU Officials and FRNSW met yesterday to discuss these circumstances, with the Department unwillingly admitting that the lack of bargaining parameters by the Minns Government had made for an untenable deadlock in the bargaining process. Discussions were otherwise, however, constructive with the parties progressing agreed costings on at least one significant wage-increasing initiative from the FBEU’s log of claims. 

Nevertheless, the fundamental roadblock to securing much needed improvements to your wages and conditions remains both unaddressed by the Minister and solely the responsibility of the Minns Government. With Awards set to expire on Sunday, this matter can no longer go unaddressed. 

State Committee met this afternoon to discuss these circumstances. A further scheduled meeting with Minister Dib will also take place later today. 

Members are advised that urgent updates will be provided over the weekend, with an imminent industrial campaign seemingly inevitable.

Meanwhile, in order to preserve our back pay date, the FBEU this week filed our position for new Awards at the IRC. It seems at this stage FRNSW have not filed and do not intend to which will make for interesting conciliation before the Commission. Further on this as the process continues.

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In Unity,

Leighton Drury
State Secretary



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