SitRep 30/2024
April 26, 2024
In the 2023 Awards, FRNSW and the FBEU agreed to jointly develop a merit-based selection process for a new agreed pathway for Retained Firefighters to have an exclusive entry pathway into the Permanent ranks, with up to 25% of positions in each recruitment round set aside for Retained.
Following months of negotiations, the pathway is finally agreed and locked in. The recruitment round which will begin in the next couple of months will feature an exclusive Retained pathway. I am proud to have presided over one of the most requested and most important changes to the recruitment system, which will finally provide Retained Firefighters with a career pathway to become a Permanent Firefighter.
You can find a copy of the full statement from FRNSW and the FBEU here, and a copy of the merit selection process here.
My thanks go out to the Retained FBEU members, both representing the FBEU and FRNSW, who developed this process and delivered on it.
A reminder to all Permanent staff that if a Permanent appliance is asked to do a move up at a Retained station for the purpose of covering a staffing shortage, the appliance should not leave for the move up until the FBEU is consulted.
If you are asked to move up to a Retained station, ring Comms or your Duty Commander and ask for the purpose of the move up. If it is for a staffing shortage, let them know you will be seeking FBEU advice prior to leaving your station, and ring the FBEU office or your SCOM representative for advice immediately.
Members will recall that in the 2023 Award, FRNSW agreed to the FBEU’s claim for clauses in both Awards requiring the attendance of a minimum of 8 FRNSW Firefighters to all structure fires.
Since then, FRNSW have been very slow to move, partially due to the RFS seeking more information on how this would work in RFS areas.
There is no reason for FRNSW to delay implementing this requirement. I wrote to the Commissioner on 12 April seeking an urgent meeting to confirm that this had been implemented for responses in Fire District, and an update on progress with the RFS and other agencies, including cross-border agencies. You can view the letter here.
There has been no response so far.
Members are reminded that the Award requirement is in place and is binding on all FRNSW employees. If you feel the Award clause is not being adhered to when you look at the printout at your station, get straight onto the radio and request additional resources to ensure the requirement is being met.
Contact the FBEU office if any request to adhere to these Award clauses is refused.
In Unity,
Leighton Drury
State Secretary
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