
SitRep 36/2024

May 31, 2024


Following on from SitRep 35/2024, discussions with the IR Minister has confirmed that the wages offer put to us by the NSW Government the week before last is in fact a baseline offer. This means that further consideration can be given to additional cost items and wage increases based on productivity and efficiency.

Given, as we all know, firefighters are continuing to do more with less, and have and will continue to deliver on real reform through our industrial processes, it’s safe to say that it’s our clear expectation that these productivity and efficiency savings will translate into additional increased wages and allowances, along with other benefits to us.

We have therefore provided a counter proposal to FRNSW (no surprises it contains many of items we have been seeking right through negotiations anyway) which we are waiting on Treasury to finally cost and include within any wages offer. A copy of our counter proposal can be found here.

To be clear, this offer we have made is us seeking to get to a final agreed position in relation to wages and allowances increases only over the next three years. We will also be continuing to negotiate in good faith regarding the rest of the Log of Claims, along with pursuing further work value claims if agreement can be reached.

As you can see from the counter offer, in response to the Government’s 9.5% increase over three years (along 1% increase in superannuation which is already required by legislation) we are instead proposing a 19% increase over the three years along with a 1.5% increase to superannuation, a $1000 yearly sign on bonus, and an inflation adjustment payment yearly to provide for a lump sum payment where inflation exceeds the baseline wages increase.

Our offer is now in the process of being costed by Treasury with FRNSW to report back to us next week with final costings. We will be back before the IRC on Tuesday 11 June to report back as to whether agreement has been reached and/or, the pathway forward from here.

Finally, I know you’re all ready to continue and increase our industrial action and campaign activities, but at this point we need to allow the process to play out and gain a full understanding of the costings and the final position from Government and FRNSW.

I can assure you though that neither I, nor State Committee, will be agreeing to any deal that does not recognise and deliver the real value of our ongoing work and dedication. It might take a long fight to get there, but I know we are all committed to that if necessary. Further updates after the next IRC listing.


In Unity,

Leighton Drury
State Secretary

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