SitRep 64/2024
December 19, 2024
Directions Hearing – Award Arbitration
Today the FBEU were back before the IRC for a further directions hearing, where the Union filed a further application seeking greater detail, data, and relevant statistics from FRNSW in relation to their evidence.
Additionally, the Union are also arranging for the Judges/Commissioner hearing the matter to participate in a site visit with FBEU members. The visit is likely to occur at the ESA and will enable greater understanding of the specialist work and skillset of firefighting and their relationship to our claims.
In the meantime, the preparing and filing of FBEU reply evidence continues ahead of hearing dates for mid-February 2025.
SRB Rescue Reporting Failure
As detailed in Sitrep 61, the FBEU recently made this submission to the ‘A Framework for Performance Reporting and Driving Wellbeing Outcomes in NSW’ inquiry. In no uncertain terms, the FBEU had made clear to the inquiry that the duplication and misallocation of resources within the NSW Emergency Services Sector is leading to negative outcomes for the NSW community, particularly in the space of rescue.
On Saturday we saw the unfortunate result of these circumstances when a GLR accredited SES unit failed to notify unavailability, causing chaos and lengthy delays to a serious fatality in Armidale. Members can read more about the incident here.
This week the FBEU have made representation to the Minns Government and continue to call for reform of the Sector to address a dangerous over-reliance on waning volunteer agencies. Members are encouraged to report rescue shortages and issues direct to the FBEU Office.
2025 Safety Priorities
This week HSRs and FBEU officials met with the Minns Government to further discussions about a host of firefighter safety initiatives. Improvements to Presumptive Cancer legislation remains a key and urgent priority for the Union and were discussed at length with the Premier. We will have more to say on this in the new year.
CODE RED LIFTED – Operational Assurance Reviews
On 11 August 2023, we issued a Code Red restricting participation in Operational Assurance Reviews.
Following extensive consultation with the Department, we are now lifting this Code Red.
The Department has agreed to include an ‘assist lift’ component in the review scenario, to assist with understanding this emerging health and safety risk, they have agreed to six-monthly evaluation meetings to discuss outcomes, and they have committed to working with the FBEU to improve access to training where deficiencies are identified.
We have also been supplied with copies of all the criteria for evaluation, and the Department has committed to providing the FBEU with the reports from each review.
We will monitor the reviews once they re-commence and if you have any negative experiences, we encourage you to reach out for further discussion.
CODE RED LIFTED – Station Service Delivery Plans
On 1 July 2023, we issued a Code Red noting that Station Service Delivery Plans were to be voluntarily completed and that Senior Officer review and approval was to be done when submitted, not proactively.
Following a meeting yesterday, the Department has agreed to adhere to these requirements, as well as the removal of the approval requirement for Senior Officers. The Department will be sending out correspondence confirming this in the near future. The Code Red is therefore not required and is hereby lifted.
If anyone is directed to participate in the development, submission, review or approval of a Station Service Delivery Plan in a way that is inconsistent with the above, please get in touch with the FBEU Office.
Active Code Reds are to be maintained and implemented by crews. Members can find a list of active Code Reds here and are encouraged to direct any queries to SCOM or the FBEU office.
Office Christmas Hours
The Union Office will be closed Monday 23 December and will re-open Monday 6 January. Members requiring assistance over this time may contact a State Committee official – for their details see here.
2025 FBEU Membership cards have now been posted to all members’ postal addresses. If you don’t receive yours then please update your membership details and we will mail out any Return to Senders once we have received them in the FBEU Office. Note helmet stickers will be sent separately in January.
On behalf of the State Committee, the FBEU wish you and your family a safe and happy festive season.
In Unity,
Leighton Drury
State Secretary
Recent news:
- SitRep 7/2025 March 6, 2025
- CODE RED LIFTED – CAFS Aerial Pumper Safety Issue March 1, 2025
- CODE RED – CAFS Aerial Pumper Safety Issue March 1, 2025
- SitRep 6/2025 February 21, 2025
- SitRep 5/2025 February 17, 2025