specialist qualifications including specialist rescue qualifications, CAFS pumps, fire investigation, hazmat servicing and our claim regarding road crash
on call and disturbance
claims relating to senior
further claims regarding matters such as travelling compensation, country relief, station redevelopments, and study
retained specific claims including our claim regarding doubling the minimum call out rate and increasing the retainer for stations with under 70 calls.
Our evidence continues next week with 4 FBEU witnesses still to go. Station Officer Lucas Garden and Inspector Luca Bertoldi will appear on Monday morning, and Retired Superintendent Bruce Cameron on Friday. We also still have our expert economic witness Martin O’Brien who will appear next week also.
FRNSW’s witnesses will also be attending next week including Alison Donohue (Health and Safety Director), Michael Baldi, (Executive Director People and Culture) Assistance Commissioner David Lewis, Superintendent PhilEitienneand Deputy Commissioner PaulMcGuigganalong with their expert witnesses and other witnesses regarding finance and economics.
There will be a further two hearing dates in March including a site visit on 24 March where the Full Bench will attend the ESA to see various displays of firefighters skills, and gain first-hand experience on many aspects of our job, and then final legal submissions on 25 March.
On behalf of the whole membership, I want to thank and congratulate those witnesses who have appeared so far. Speaking from personal experience, getting in theboxand being questioned under cross examination by FRNSW’s lawyers is never easy, but it is so important that the IRC hear directly from firefighters about our claims and why they are fair, reasonable and in many cases necessary.
After giving evidence thisweek,I have watched on with pride as our witnesses displayed our professionalism training, knowledge and expertise.
Also, a reminder that in total the FBEU had 39 witnesses who provided witness statements. For those not required to attend before the IRC, can I assure you all that those written statements form part of the evidence and will be considered fully by the Full Bench in making their decision.
Lastly, I also want to extend a huge thank you toeach and everyone of you who has shown up to watch the proceedings this week. It has been a huge morale boost for those providing evidence to know we stand in solidarity together as professional firefighters and a union during this hearing. It is alsoabsolutely vitalthat we remind the decision makers in the room the real and personal impact their decision will have on each of us.
There are still spots to attend next week and wecontinue to call on all available members to attend in support of our claim. Please RSVP in advance via the registerhere as soon as possible, and we will call to confirm the details.