
SitRep 6/2025

February 21, 2025


This afternoon we finished the second week of the hearing for our Award Arbitration with all the witnesses, both ours and FRNSW’s, now having finished giving evidence before the IRC.

I want to once again thank the hundreds of members who have attended the hearings over the last two weeks in person, all of you who followed online and of course all our witnesses who have done us all proud.

It has been a long journey to get to this point to allow to us to finally put our case for fair wages and conditions to an independent commission, and the journey continues.

We still have two further hearings scheduled for the 24th and 25th of March which includes a day for the full bench to attend the ESA and see first-hand our work and skills, along with a day for final legal submissions back in the IRC.

From there we will be waiting on a decision and will obviously keep everyone updated as soon as we have anything further.


Nominations are called from members to fill one of three (3) Committeeperson positions on their Sub-Branch Executive Committee for the term 2025-2028, as follows:

  • Central Coast Sub-Branch (CCSB)
  • Country Sub-Branch (CSB)
  • Illawarra Sub-Branch (ISB)
  • Newcastle Sub-Branch (NSB)
  • Retained Sub-Branch (RSB)
  • Senior Officers’ Sub-Branch (SOSB)
  • Sydney Central Sub-Branch (SCSB)
  • Sydney Central West Sub-Branch (SCWSB)
  • Sydney Inner West Sub-Branch (SIWSB)
  • Sydney North Sub-Branch (SNSB)
  • Sydney Outer West Sub-Branch (SOWSB)
  • Sydney South Sub-Branch (SSSB)
  • Sydney South West Sub-Branch (SSWSB)

Note: Every FBEU member is attached to one of the above Sub-Branches. FBEU Sub-Branch boundaries are based on classification (eg SOSB and RSB) and/or FRNSW zones. Members unsure of their Sub-Branch should contact the Union Office.

Nominations, which must be in writing and comply with the Union’s Registered Rules, may be made at any time from Monday 24 February 2025. They must reach the Union office not later than 5pm on Monday 17 March 2025. Nominations cannot be withdrawn after midday on Monday 24 March 2025.

Nomination Forms are available from the Union office. The use of these forms is not compulsory provided that nominations comply with the Rules.

Members are advised that under Rule 51(10) Sub-Branch Executive Committees (other than the SOSB Executive Committee) are elected by a ballot of workplace delegates. Only recognised delegates will be eligible to vote. If there is any doubt as to whether a delegate has been recognised, members should contact the Union Office immediately. Rolls will close with the close of nominations.

Address for lodging nominations:

Hand/Post:        1–7 Belmore Street, Surry Hills NSW 2010
Fax:                       (02) 9218 3488
Email:                   Returning Officer: Adrian Rowatt –

If a ballot is necessary, then delegates of the relevant Sub-Branch will be notified and voting will open on Monday 31 March 2025. Voting will close at 5pm on Monday 14 April 2025.

In Unity,

Leighton Drury
State Secretary

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