
SitRep 40/2021

July 28, 2021

Further to our sitrep.

The Department agreed to meet with the Union this afternoon. The meeting was positive, with SCoM and the Senior Officers Sub-Branch representatives in attendance.

One of the first things we demanded, was to have the disciplinary phone calls and letters sent to our members rescinded and their leave balances recredited. The Department agreed to do this which is a great win for those members.

At the meeting, our main focus was to negotiate a set of guidelines that adequately addressed the safety concerns we have been raising, particularly around the movement of staff across areas and stations. Further discussions will take place tomorrow after which time we will set out the details of the agreed parameters.

At this stage, the movement of members is still limited by the Upgraded Restrictions email from the Department on the 10th July 2021. Comms Centres are still locked down with no relieving in or out.

The following protections set out in our SitRep this morning also apply:

  • Members on alternate work arrangements will continue in these arrangements.
  • The ability to apply for alternate work arrangements with notice remains.

If members are experiencing any issues or have concerns, please contact your Union for assistance.

In Unity,

Martin Dixon
Acting State Secretary

You can download a copy of the SitRep here.



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