

July 31, 1996

Would you stand up to be counted to protect the 10/14 roster?

Would you reject being forced onto an Enterprise Agreement or an individual contract?

Could you cop losing Award protection for up to 25% of your pay?

Will the Brigades ever be the same again if individual pay as well as promotion inequalities are allowed to develop based on cronyism, religious and sectarian factors or even corruption?

These are likely to be the sort of flow-on effects the Federal Government anticipates achieving in State jurisdictions like NSW if their proposed Industrial Relations changes become law.

On Monday 19 August, the Union is organising buses to transport members to a demonstration at Parliament House Canberra. NSW firies will meet up with firies from Victoria, the A.C.T., and comrades from other unions to demonstrate to the Federal Conservative Government that their unAustralian Industrial Relations Act is unacceptable.

The Conservative Government’s proposed changes to the Industrial Relations Act represents the most fundamental attack ever on Australia’s workforce.  It’s not the sort of legacy you’d like to leave your kids.

It’s IMPERATIVE that all available off-shift members (‘B’,’C’ & ‘D’ platoons) join the march on Canberra on Monday 19 August. The buses will return the same day. Details about where to join the busses in Sydney, Newcastle and Wollongong will be forwarded on Monday 5 August.

Simon Flynn


31 July, 1996



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