
SitRep 50/2024

August 30, 2024

Nominations Called Sydney North Sub-Branch Secretary

As advised in Sitrep 48/2024, nominations to fill the casual vacancy of the Sydney North Sub-Branch Secretary on the FBEU’s State Committee of Management have now formally opened.

Please see here a copy of the formal Election Notice. This Election Notice is available on our website at as well at the website of the NSW Electoral Commission at and are separately attached to this email.

We would ask that all stations/workplaces within the Sydney North Sub-Branch print and display the Election Notice on the Union Noticeboard at your station/workplace.

I would strongly to encourage all members of the Sydney North Sub-Branch to consider nominating for this position and ensure that members in the Sub-Branch are fully represented on our State Committee. Our Union is at its strongest when we have involvement and solidarity from all members across all Sub-Branches.

For those who wish to nominate for this position. A copy of the nomination form can be found here (these are also available on our website and the NSW Electoral Commission website listed above and also attached to this email).

A reminder, in accordance with the FBEU Rules, in order to be eligible to nominate as a candidate for this position you must be a financial member of the FBEU holding the rank of Station Officer or below as a permanent firefighter, and must be currently working from a station/workplace in the Sydney North Sub-Branch. Candidates nominating must be nominated in writing by at least two financial members of the FBEU. Further information on this can be found on the Election Notice, the Nomination Form and/or by contacting the FBEU Office or the NSW Electoral Commission directly.

A reminder, nominations close 5pm Friday 20 September. All nominations must be lodged with the NSW Electoral Commission by no later than then. Directions to lodge the form are contained on the Election Notice.

Should more than one eligible candidate nominate for the position, an election will be held in October. Further details on this will be provided closer to that date.

In Unity,

Leighton Drury
State Secretary

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