
Staffing logistics support vehicles

January 31, 2008

The ever-increasing workload of Logistic Support Vehicles since the abandonment of the old ‘District Truck’ system with subsequent reductions in numbers has reached a crisis level and it is Union Policy that their numbers be increased.
Members are instructed that minimum staffing requirements include Logistic Support Vehicles and that they are not to be grounded to fill other staff shortages for all or part of any shift under any circumstances.
Simon Flynn
State Secretary

The ever-increasing workload of Logistic Support Vehicles since the abandonment of the old ‘District Truck’ system with subsequent reductions in numbers has reached a crisis level and it is Union Policy that their numbers be increased.

Members are instructed that minimum staffing requirements include Logistic Support Vehicles and that they are not to be grounded to fill other staff shortages for all or part of any shift under any circumstances.

Simon Flynn

State Secretary



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