
Correspondence: Union to Dept.

March 1, 2000

1st March, 2000

Mr. Ian MacDougall
New South Wales Fire Brigades

Dear Sir,

Re: Negotiations On Successor Awards For Firefighters; Death & Disability Matter; Statement of Agreed Framework

I write in response to the Department’s latest correspondence on the subject issues dated yesterday, 29 February.

On 25 February the Union offered to extend the agreed negotiation period by five weeks through to 31 March provided that the employer agreed to:

1. Guarantee payment of the 2nd $350 instalment to all permanent firefighters on 9 March;
2. Include settlement of the retained Award within the newly proposed timetable of 31 March;
3. Recommence D&D negotiations, and to conduct these negotiations concurrently with those for the Awards; and
4. Direct negotiations between the relevant Government Ministers and the Union in any and all further negotiations between the parties concerning quantum and term.

As you are aware, the 15 December Statement of Agreed Framework clearly stated that any extension of the 24 February “indicative timetable” would require the agreement of both parties. The Union has proposed the grounds on which such agreement can be established, a conciliatory position which your Department has so far failed to even acknowledge, let alone respond to. Should you fail to reply by tomorrow morning then it will be taken that our offer of an extension has been rejected, and that our Union is no longer bound by the 15 December undertaking to desist from industrial action in support of our claims for new permanent and retained Awards.

With regard to your invitation to meet sometime this Friday 3 March, the Union repeats that we are willing to meet any time, and at short notice, provided that point no. 4 above is satisfied.

Yours faithfully,

Chris Read
State Secretary



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