
New Awards in force

May 5, 2000

After a long and torturous process the new Awards for both permanent and retained members were ratified in the NSW Industrial Relations Commission yesterday.The Awards provide for across the board pay rises of 17% for all firefighters. In addition, we have secured a new allowance for rescue operators along with a 100% increase in the retainer for retained firefighters. The jewel in the crown for the permanent Award is the achievement of rolling in the 10/14 rostered overtime into the rate of pay for superannuation purposes. In short, that means your retirement outcome has received a significant boost.

For permanent members they will receive back pay from February 24 and retained members will receive a flat payment of $300 plus back pay from April 1.

Of course, the employer offered none of these benefits and members would be well aware of the struggle endured in order to achieve yesterday’s outcome. We should all be proud of our efforts that led to firefighters again busting through the opposition mounted by the Department. Whilst your Union officials might have been the negotiators it was our members, as always, that provided the necessary muscle.

The reward for our unity and militancy is there for all to see. With the Awards settled we can restore our full focus to the Death and Disability issue and continue to progress the working conditions of our members.

On behalf of the Unions elected officials and office staff I thank all members for your support.

Darryl Snow



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