
Sitrep 30/2016

October 28, 2016
Inside this issue: Retained relief rip-off reversed No limits on PCOS The Coalition hates motherhood (and you)
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Sitrep 29/2016

October 14, 2016
Inside this issue: 106th AGM meeting dates, times and locations Turnbull Govt turns on firies - update #2 Availability of the Station Officer and Inspector Programs Review of workers comp scheme Additional public holidays for permanent and retained members Auditor-General's report on firefighter fitness - update #1
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Sitrep 28/2016

October 6, 2016
Inside this issue: Station Redevelopments and 24hr shifts Mental Health Month LF Test FAQs updated
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Notice Of 106th Annual General Meeting

September 29, 2016
The State Committee of Management has resolved to hold the 106th AGM commencing Thursday 27 October 2016 at the Trades Hall Auditorium, 377 Sussex Street Sydney.
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Sitrep 27/2016

September 23, 2016
Inside this issue: Is your Service Allowance being paid? Update #1 Overtime after 24hr shifts TURC - all tip and no iceberg Retained authorised duties and verbal orders Mass sackings in Manchester?
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Sitrep 26/2016

September 2, 2016
Inside this issue: Is your Service Allowance being paid? LSOs and the Relieving Allowance Award winner Pyrmont back from the dead Recycled helmets go west - update #1
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Sitrep 25/2016

August 26, 2016
Inside this issue: Higher Duty rates for LSOs on leave Victoria CFA dispute update #1 Turnbull Govt turns on firies - update #1 Recycled helmets go west RTAS outage
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Sitrep 24/2016

August 11, 2016
Inside this issue: State Committee
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Sitrep 23/2016

August 8, 2016
Inside this issue: Retained select calling not agreed MFR survey Turnbull Govt turns on firies We've moved
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