
Sitrep 57: New Presumptive Legislation Campaign; Health Screening Under Fire

November 10, 2023
In this issue (click to jump to section): Presumptive Legislation Health Screening Process under fire in Budget Estimates   Presumptive legislation – it’s time to move with the science This week the FBEU launched an important presumptive cancer campaign to ensure FBEU […]
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Sitrep 50: Elt’s Blame Shifting; Award Update; Covid Vax News And More

October 6, 2023
In this issue: Stale, failed and wailing 2023 Award update Health Screening transition COVID-19 vaccination policy   Stale, failed and wailing You are no doubt all aware by now that Minister Dib has appointed an administrator to oversee FRNSW until […]
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Sitrep 48 – Awards, Health Checks, Toling And More

September 22, 2023
In this issue: 2023 Award – implementation update Current progress on the new Award’s Consultation provisions Health Checks to Health Screening – transitioning to the new process 2024 Log of Claims – have your say TOLBANs and TOLing – vital […]
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Sitrep 47: Transition To Health Screening; Health & Safety Issues; Hsr Elections

September 8, 2023
­­­ Health Screening Transition Process The FBEU met with FRNSW on Tuesday at a Joint Consultative Committee meeting where we discussed the transition from the current Health Checks to the new Health Screening process.  Through the JCC process we have […]
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Sitrep 27/2023

May 19, 2023
Public Sector Wages Cap – Meeting with Treasurer Public sector Union Secretaries, myself included, met with State Treasurer Daniel Mookhey this morning to discuss the Labor Government’s proposed wages policy. As you all know, this Government was elected on the […]
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Sitrep 9/2023: Award Negotiations, Health Checks And More

February 24, 2023
Award Update Further to the last update on Award negotiations, we can confirm, that after a fair bit of to-ing and fro-ing, we have been able to lock in 3 negotiation meetings with FRNSW prior to our next attendance at […]
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