Rule Amendments
November 6, 1995
In accordance with Rule 47, Amendment of Rules, members are hereby notified of the following Rule amendments concerning Rule 51, Sub-Branches which were adopted by the State Committee of Management at it’s October 27 meeting. The present Rule is provided first, with that part to be amended underlined. The proposed Rule is provided immediately thereunder, with amendments in bold. An explanation to each proposed Rule change is provided below, in italics.
That Rule 51(5);
“Subject to the Rules of the Union, the affairs of the Sub-Branch shall be conducted by a Sub-Branch Executive Committee, consisting of Sub-Branch Chairperson, Sub-Branch Secretary, Sub Branch Officer’s Committeeperson, and Sub-Branch Firefighter’s Committeeperson.“
be amended to read
“Subject to the Rules of the Union, the affairs of the Sub-Branch shall be conducted by a Sub-Branch Executive Committee, the composition of which shall be determined by the State Committee of Management provided that where a Sub-Branch area or classification corresponds to an elected office on the State Committee of Management, that officer shall by reason of that office also hold the position of Sub-Branch Secretary.“
Explanation: The present Rules stipulate a requirement for two Committeepersons; one Officer, one Firefighter. This is clearly incorrect in terms of some Sub-Branches who do not have such members (e.g. Retained Sub-Branch and Inspectors’ Sub-Branch). This will also allow the State Committee of Management to recognise differing requirements of particular Sub-Branches by resolving to constitute the Sub-Branch Executive accordingly, rather than by the current proscriptive blanket Rule. Members shall continue to elect their own Sub-Branch Executives in accordance with Rule 51(14, 15 & 16).
The amendment providing for the Sub-Branch Secretary to be the corresponding official on the State Committee of Management shall allow the Sub-Branch direct exchange of information into the State Committee of Management through that member, and vice-versa (e.g. the Retained Sub-Branch Secretary being the Retained Representative on State Committee of Management – as is presently the case.)
That, that Rule 51(20);
“At Sub-Branch Executive Committee meetings, three members shall constitute a quorum. At all Sub-Branch meetings seven members shall constitute a quorum.”
be amended to read
“At Sub-Branch Executive Committee meetings, a simple majority of members eligible to attend shall constitute a quorum. At all Sub-Branch meetings seven members shall constitute a quorum.””
Explanation: This amendments reflects the quorum requirement for the State Committee of Management under Rule 14, and compliments the proposed amendment to Rule 51(5) given the possibility for varying Executive sizes owing to particular Sub-Branch requirements/compositions.
That Rule 51(3);
“Members eligible for membership of a Sub-Branch must be employed within the Fire District, Zone, or in an unusual or unique work area, covered by the Sub-Branch.”
be amended to read
“Members eligible for membership of a Sub-Branch must be employed within the Fire District, Zone, or in an unusual or unique work area, covered by the Sub-Branch. Where any dispute exists as to membership of a particular Sub-Branch, the matter shall be determined by the State Committee of Management”
Explanation: This proposed amendment is designed to overcome any confusion which may arrive from time to time in terms of particular Sub-Branch coverage.
Chris Read
State Secretary
6th November, 1995
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