
SITREP No. 5/2009

July 31, 2009


Inside this issue:

  • When the end of it is not the end of it
  • Part-time work
  • Retained electronic timesheets – stage 2
  • Union dues deductible

When the end of it is not the end of it

If management invites you in for a chat and you hear the words ‘Just tell the truth and that will be the end of it‘ politely decline to answer any further questions and contact your Union representative.

This week brought another example of members co-operating with management only to find a month later they have been charged under the Regulations and are facing the prospect of a penalty.

Regardless of how well you get on with local management you can guarantee that somewhere along the line things will be taken out of their hands and anything you have said can and will be used against you. So if you are contacted by management for a fireside chat be aware that you are entitled to:

  1. at least 48 hours notice;
  2. the particulars of the allegation of charge in writing;
  3. the opportunity to have a fellow member with you at all times; and
  4. an opportunity to present evidence of your behalf.

Most importantly, you cannot be made to say or do anything that you think may incriminate you and this includes being directed to write reports.

Part-time work

The State Committee this week resolved to enter into negotiations with the Department regarding the introduction of part-time work. Whilst part-time work has been available through In Order 2006/27, this should be a provision of the Award and accessible for all members. The Union is also aware that members working the existing part-time rosters are finding them restrictive and so will be looking at ways to make part-time work more flexible without impacting on job security and the rosters already contained within the award.

Retained electronic timesheets – stage 2

The Union shall be meeting with the Department next week regarding the introduction of the second stage of retained electronic timesheets. The main aspect of the proposal is to replace the existing attendance reporting system and to record member’s qualifications. Any member wishing to submit feedback on retained electronic timesheets in preparation for this meeting can do so by emailing

Union dues deductible

Reminder when submitting your tax returns do not forget that a deduction is allowable for the cost of your annual union dues.

Jim Casey
State Secretary
31 July 2009



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