2018 Election of the State Committee
Official results declared
May Day marches 2018
2018 Election of the State Committee
Official results declared
Further to Sitrep 13’s reporting of last Friday’s unofficial election results, the Electoral Commission has now formally declared the count and that declaration can be downloaded by clicking here. Suffice it to say that Sitrep 13’s unofficial results proved to be reliable, save for one candidate’s tally that was one vote out, and therefore all stand.
Thanks to all candidates for your preparedness to serve your fellow members, and to the over 2,100 members for making the effort to vote. While we’d prefer that more members participate, the 33.7% return is high by any standard, and certainly higher than for most ballots conducted by the Electoral Commission for other trade unions, associations and registered clubs etc. These numbers will provide cold comfort to the Department who can only dream of voluntary participation rates like this for their various employee surveys. Industrial democracy is clearly alive and well within our industry, and firefighters have reaffirmed the FBEU’s standing as the voice of the firefighting workforce.
Thanks also to Comrades Wes Smith, Brendan Rea, Mick Morris, John Henry, Jim Casey and Darin Sullivan for your combined 42 years of service to the membership as elected officials. All 6 former officials remain in our job and our Union.
Special mention to Comrade Casey, State Secretary from 2009-16, and to Comrade Sullivan, Union President from 2009-18, who between them racked up a combined 24 years on the State Committee. Our 2012 strike, when firefighters walked off the job in defence of our workers comp rights, the two year campaign to stop the temporary closure of permanent fire stations, the defence of our D&D scheme while others lost theirs, the introduction of 24 hour shifts and our centenary celebrations in 2010 were just some of the many successes of their watch.
Finally, congratulations to the 16 other officials who were declared re-elected, or elected for a first time, through our triennial elections. The State Committee for the coming 2018-2021 term includes a new President, two new Vice Presidents, two current and three former retained members and in a long overdue first for our Union, a woman, and will hold its first full meeting this Thursday 3 May. The contact details for all 17 State Committee officials can be found on the Union’s website under the “contact” tab.
May Day marches 2018
The Sydney May Day march will be held Sunday 6 May, with members meeting at Hyde Park North (Archibald Fountain) at 1130 hours, with a march to Prince Alfred Park off Chalmers Street followed by a Family Fun Day with free rides, entertainment, activities for kids and food.
The Wollongong May Day march will be held on Saturday 5 May, with members assembling from 1000 hours at Lowden Square (outside the Trade Union Centre and opposite Wollongong Train Station), with a march to the Wollongong Mall Amphitheatre.
Leighton Drury
State Secretary
For a printable copy of this Sitrep, please click here.