Budget Estimates season is upon NSW Parliament once again with Ministers and agencies facing detailed questioning about government expenditure, performance, and effectiveness. As always, estimates represent yet another opportunity to ensure government accountability and transparency for decisions impacting the Emergency Services sector.
Over several weeks the FBEU have met with a broad cross section of members of the Legislative Committee to discuss the needs of professional firefighters, ensuring that our key priorities feature across as many estimates portfolios as possible. Schedule changes influenced by the NSW flood events have meant that Minister Dib will now appear before the Emergency Services portfolio later in April. These circumstances have not prevented FBEU matters being heard across many other portfolios including Police, Transport, Fair Trading, and Roads.
Key updates will be provided over FBEU socials in the coming weeks and full transcripts are available here.
A reminder that the deadline for receiving sub-branch executive nominations is 5pm, Monday 17 March 2025.
Nomination Forms are available from the Union office. The use of these forms is not compulsory provided that nominations comply with the Rules.
Members are advised that under Rule 51(10) Sub-Branch Executive Committees (other than the SOSB Executive Committee) are elected by a ballot of workplace delegates. Only recognised delegates will be eligible to vote. If there is any doubt as to whether a delegate has been recognised, members should contact the Union Office immediately. Rolls will close with the close of nominations.
If a ballot is necessary, then delegates of the relevant Sub-Branch will be notified and voting will open on Monday 31 March 2025. Voting will close at 5pm on Monday 14 April 2025.
Click hereif you require more details about the sub-branch executive committee election process.
With the flooding event all but over, I wanted to thank the hundreds of members who travelled north to assist with preparation, response, and recovery as a result of Tropical Cyclone Alfred.
As you return to stations and finalise timesheets and allowance claims, pleasekeep our entitlements information sheet handyand make sure you’re claiming everything you’re entitled to.
Any questions, contact Operational Staffing in the first instance, and the FBEU office if you’re unhappy with their response.