
Sitrep 33/2024

May 9, 2024

OPEN DAY THIS SATURDAY – CAMPAIGN CODE REDS APPLY At the 2023 FRNSW Open Day, a newly elected Minns Labor Government proudly posed with FBEU members from across the state. A year on, FBEU members are still waiting for the […]

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Sitrep 32/2024

May 3, 2024

ELECTION RESULTS FOR THE FBEU STATE COMMITTEEE OF MANAGEMENT (SCOM) Following Sitrep 31, the NSW Electoral Commission wrote to the FBEU 2 May upon the competition of the count of ballot papers and have now formally declared the results for the […]

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Sitrep 31/2024

May 1, 2024

2024 SCOM ELECTION RESULTS The vote count for our State Committee of Management elections occurred today and I can confirm the following unofficial results in all contested positions: President – Mick Johnsen Senior Vice President – Marty Dixon Junior Vice […]

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Sitrep 30/2024

April 26, 2024

RETAINED TO PERMANENT PATHWAY In the 2023 Awards, FRNSW and the FBEU agreed to jointly develop a merit-based selection process for a new agreed pathway for Retained Firefighters to have an exclusive entry pathway into the Permanent ranks, with up […]

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Sitrep 29/2024

April 24, 2024

PRESUMPTIVE CANCER LEGISLATION UPDATE On Monday, Minister Sophie Cotsis wrote to FBEU members with an update concerning our presumptive cancer campaign. In the letter here, Minister Cotsis expresses her sincere thanks to members Matt Carrol and Bob McGowan who recently […]

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Sitrep 28/2024

April 17, 2024

AWARD UPDATE – FRNSW PROPOSES POTENTIAL WAY FORWARD ON NEGOTIATIONS   Following on from last week’s conciliation before Commissioner McDonald, FRNSW has written to us with a potential way forward to break the current state of negotiations. This proposal seeks that […]

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Sitrep 27/2024

April 16, 2024

CODE RED UPDATE – SOCIAL MEDIA POSTS On 5 April, a Code Red was issued which updated our actions in the Award Expiry Industrial Campaign. In that Code Red, members were instructed to use FRNSW Station Facebook pages to promote […]

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Sitrep 26/2024

April 11, 2024

AWARD UPDATE We were back before the IRC today for further conciliation on the Awards where FRNSW still finds itself unable to formalise a wages offer.  Commissioner McDonald was adamant however that with the Awards now well expired, a way […]

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Sitrep 25/2024

April 9, 2024

SCOM ELECTIONS – WATER DAMAGED BALLOT PAPERS We have been receiving queries from members regarding concerns that ballot papers for the SCOM elections have been water damaged. The NSW Electoral Commission has advised that if the ballot paper and envelopes […]

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Sitrep 24/2024

April 5, 2024

RESPECT, PROTECT, VALUE YOUR FIREFIGHTERS – NEW CODE RED AND TALKING POINTS A new Code Red in support of the Respect, Protect, Value campaign have been issued today. A copy of this can be found here. The new Code Red […]

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Code Red – Award Expiry Industrial Campaign Continued

April 5, 2024

Code Red – Award Expiry Industrial Campaign Continued As advised in SitRep yesterday, with our Respect, Protect, Value campaign in full swing but still no formal offer on the table from FRNSW or the Minns Government, we are adding an […]

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Sitrep 23/2024

April 4, 2024

2024 AWARD UPDATE High-level bargaining meetings continued this week as FBEU officials continued to advocate for our demands, both to FRNSW and to key decision makers within State Government. Our message has been consistent. Industrial action will continue to escalate […]

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