
Sitrep 57: New Presumptive Legislation Campaign; Health Screening Under Fire

November 10, 2023
In this issue (click to jump to section): Presumptive Legislation Health Screening Process under fire in Budget Estimates   Presumptive legislation – it’s time to move with the science This week the FBEU launched an important presumptive cancer campaign to ensure FBEU […]
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Sitrep 49: Presumptive Campaign; 2023 Delegates’ (and Hsrs’) Conference

October 5, 2023
In this issue: Presumptive Legislation Campaign FBEU 2023 Delegates’ Conference 28-29 November   Presumptive Legislation Campaign On the back of the declaration from the World Health Organisation IARC in 2022 which cited firefighting as a ‘cancer-causing profession’, various jurisdictions across the country have […]
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Sitrep 47: Transition To Health Screening; Health & Safety Issues; Hsr Elections

September 8, 2023
­­­ Health Screening Transition Process The FBEU met with FRNSW on Tuesday at a Joint Consultative Committee meeting where we discussed the transition from the current Health Checks to the new Health Screening process.  Through the JCC process we have […]
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Sitrep 61/2022 – Awards Gazetted, Metro Cross-tunnel Update, Presumptive Cancer Legislation

December 2, 2022
Awards gazetted by IRC Today, the Permanent, Retained and D&D Awards were gazetted by the NSW Industrial Relations Commission. They are now legally binding. You can access each Award below, and the copies on the FBEU website have been updated. […]
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