
SitRep 46/2021

August 24, 2021

Contactless Changeover implementation – Level 4 Restrictions remain. 

You should all now be familiar with the Contactless Changeover procedures drafted by the COVID IMT with input from the FBEU and as released in SITREP 45/2021.  These procedures were designed to minimize the potential for a COVID outbreak in the organisation. The document can be found here.

Obviously your regular workmates, whether that be at a station, head office, Ops support, Communication Centre etc will remain close contacts, but where there are different shifts or teams in one location it’s imperative we implement measures to minimize or remove the risk of COVID-19 transmission. We do this by adopting the Contactless Changeover procedures.

We know the procedures outlined are not perfect, and we know what works in one location won’t always work in another, which is why I’m asking everyone to start Contactless Changeover immediately, if you’re not doing so already.  I also ask for you to tell us what works, what doesn’t work and give us ideas for improvements.

We can’t build a system by guessing, so consider this a working trial. It’s for everyone’s safety so I implore you all to play your part, not just in the process but also in providing feedback, whether good, bad or ugly.  Please send any feedback to your SCOM rep via email.


PPE and PPC 

A reminder to all members that wearing the correct PPE is extremely important in protection from COVID-19.  

The following is part of what members should wear and do when attending incidents: 

  • Masks are to be always worn whilst at work.
  • Mask, Face Shield, double nitrile gloves and Plastic gowns are to be worn at all Assist Ambulance calls.
  • Station Commanders should limit the amount of crew used at these incidents. 
  • The crew should wait in the appliance until the Station Commander has liaised with Ambulance or Police and developed a risk management plan.
  • Mask, Face Shield, double nitrile gloves and Plastic gowns are to be worn, where appropriate, at rescue calls (i.e.,ring removals). 
  • Masks (except FRNSW community mask), Face Shields and Plastic gowns are single use only and are to be “bagged” in a clinical waste bag after incidents prior to entering the appliance and disposed of.

Further information can be accessed on the Intranet, COVID-19 Incident Operations – PPE selection. We also encourage members to watch the videos that will be online soon in regards to donning and doffing this safety equipment. These actions are not designed to create an impost on everyone; they are designed to keep us all safe. Please take them seriously. 

In Unity,

Martin Dixon
Acting State Secretary

You can find a copy of the SitRep here:



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