
Group Certificate Errors

July 18, 2007
Members might be surprised this week to receive a second Group Certificate from the Department. Rest assured the Department is not proposing to pay you double the wages you earnt last financial year, but rather to fix up the latest […]
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Department Sentenced $200,000 For Rutherford

July 11, 2007
Last week the Industrial Relations Commission handed down it’s sentence for the Department’s breach of section 15 (1) and 16(1) of the Occupational Health and Safety Act 1983. The Department was sentenced two fines of $100,000 each and has been […]
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Sss Salary Sacrifice Contributions

July 11, 2007
As first reported in the Union’s notice dated 19 May 2007, a campaign by public sector unions, including the FBEU, has won the right for SSS members to salary sacrifice their compulsory and/or voluntary contributions. This win will mean all […]
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2007 July Special General Meeting

July 6, 2007
In accordance with Rule 11, a Special General Meeting of members will be held on Tuesday 31 July 2007, commencing at 1000 hours at the Trades Hall Auditorium, Goulburn Street, Sydney. Sub-Branch meeting details will be circulated separately next week.
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Safe Work On Roads And False Alarm Books

June 27, 2007
With the lifting of the ban on False Alarm Notifications (FANs), members are reminded that ONLY the new FANs books (labelled version E on the cover) are to be used. Old versions are not to be used, and the Dept […]
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Budgets And Wages

June 20, 2007
The State Labor Treasurer and former Secretary of Unions NSW, Michael Costa yesterday handed down a budget that delivers a $444 million surplus this year and will cut $845 million in taxes by 2011.  The budget also nominates a public […]
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Secret Plan For Firefighters

June 15, 2007
A secret Howard Government plan to remove the current state based Industrial Relations Commissions from each of the States has been revealed in Federal Parliament. The plan was spelt out in a tender document issued by the Department of Employment […]
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Appliances Not To Deliver Timesheets

June 8, 2007
It has come to the Union’s attention that MW2 management is now expecting some stations to deliver their own time sheets via a system move ups using station appliances. This practice has been neither discussed with, nor accepted by the Union […]
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Fans Ban Lifted

June 1, 2007
Over recent years, many members have expressed their concern to us about the Brigades’ changing approach – and growing addiction – to AFA charges. The Department’s increasingly inflexible approach saw a growing number of elderly, poor and disadvantaged being hit […]
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