
February Sgm Results

February 21, 2007
This month’s SGM concluded at Sydney’s Trades Hall today after a record-breaking series of almost 80 separate meetings around the state.
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Mw3 Members Can’t Be Directed To Relieve Into The Gsa

February 16, 2007
Permanent members stationed within the Blue Mountains Fire District are reminded of the provisions of subclause 12.4 of the Award: 12.4 Except in the case of Inspectors and for relief duties performed outside the GSA, Newcastle, Gosford, Wyong and Wollongong Fire […]
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Controversy Over The February Sgm

February 14, 2007
The Union’s Special General Meeting scheduled for 10 am on Wednesday 21st February in the Trades Hall – Goulburn Street Sydney is likely to be one of the more controversial in recent years. In one week alone the Union’s Country […]
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Agreement Reached For New D&d Award

February 9, 2007
A hearing today before Justice Marks of the NSW Industrial Relations Commission (IRC) confirmed that an in-principle agreement for a new D&D Award now exists between the Union and the Public Employment Office. The Union anticipates that the Government will […]
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2007 February Special General Meeting

February 2, 2007
In accordance with Rule 11, a Special General Meeting of members will be held on Wednesday 21 February 2007, commencing at 1000 hours at the Tom Mann Threatre, Chalmers Street, Surry Hills. Sub-Branch meeting details will be circulated separately and […]
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Dunheved On The Move, Is The Department Coming With Us?

February 2, 2007
Dunheved Fire Station will be closed either with the consent of the Department or without it after the Union’s State Committee of Management (SCOM) decided to ban firefighters from working at the station in the near future.
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Using Pumpers Off Road

January 25, 2007
No member is to take an urban appliance be it a pumper, ladders or a platform off road in order to deal with fires that require a four wheel drive appliance.
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Short Changed By $500 000

January 25, 2007
After numerous meetings, the exchange of correspondence and the listing of a dispute by the Union to the NSW Industrial Relations Commission, the Department has finally succumbed to its obligation to pay retained firefighters in accordance with the Retained Award.
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Oten Qf, Sf, Lf

January 25, 2007
As a result of an agreement between the Department and the Union hammered out at this weeks Training Review Committee meeting, Qualified Firefighters are again able to access the OTEN training modules required to progress to Senior Firefighter.
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