A Special General Meeting of members will be held pursuant to a Rule 11(2) as follows: SYDNEY SGM – Trades Hall Auditorium, Goulburn Street, 1000 hours Wednesday 30 July. NEWCASTLE – Cardiff Workers Club (Club Nova), 1000 hours Monday 28 […]
Inside this notice: SGM to be held re SOPP Carrying over marks from previous pre entry tests Merit selection and eligibility lists Discriminatory Dept. forced to pay up New Commissioner
Inside this notice: SOPP/IPP Entitlements win Union secures backdating of LF promotions New salary packaging arrangements in place SASS ABC contributions SGM to be held 30 July Industrial WMD
Union bans to be lifted upon receipt of this notice Proceedings in the IRC today resulted in an agreement (ie, not an instruction or order) that the Union would lift its bans as soon as possible, and that the numerous […]
Relations between the Union and the Department have again hit rock-bottom, this time due to management’s head in the sand approach to an ever-growing number of disputes. The Union could list these disputes and trounce them once again in the […]
United Firefighters’ Union of Australia New South Wales Branch DECLARATION OF RESULTS FOR CONTESTED OFFICES Results of the election for the following offices conducted in accordance with Section 214 of the Workplace Relations Act 1996 and the rules of the […]
Members sitting the SOPP exams on Thursday 1 May 2003 are entitled to the relevant provisions of Clause 16 of the Crown Employees (NSW Fire Brigades Firefighting Staff) Award 2001.
As members would be aware, the D&D Award was last month endorsed by Union members and subsequently ratified by the Industrial Relations Commission to take effect on 21 March 2003. In short, the D&D Award is now in force.