
Sitrep 1/2019

January 11, 2019

The Year of Changing the Rules
Vale Reg Brown
In brief …

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Sitrep 33/2018

December 21, 2018

Inside this issue:
Repressive Code of Conduct defeated
PFAS Inquiry report
In brief …

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Sitrep 32/2018

November 30, 2018

Inside this issue:

Recall kilometres dispute – Union vindicated #1
Berejilkian’s FESL – Union vindicated #2
New “corporate” uniform shelved
Blue cats eyes – an avoidable (and now banned) risk

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Sitrep 31/2018

November 23, 2018

So said Labor MLC Greg Donnelly to the Christian Democratic Party’s Fred Nile last night (it’s there in the record on Page 72) after the CDP sided with the Berejiklian Government to defeat Labor’s amendment to cover all firefighters, including those already suffering with cancer before 27 September this year.

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Code Red: Presumptive Cancer Bill

November 22, 2018

For those who missed it, Labor’s amendment to allow firefighters who were diagnosed with cancer pre-27 September 2018 was just passed by the Upper House. A big thank you to all who emailed, called and met with MPs. Our work got these MPs to support us. Together, we turned this around.

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Sitrep 30/2018

November 9, 2018

Presumptive cancer crunch time
No working across platoons or rosters
In Brief…

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Sitrep 29/2018

October 24, 2018

Govt’s presumptive cancer Bill in the NSW Parliament
AGM agenda – MFR Policy amendment withdrawn

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2018 Agm Final Agenda

October 24, 2018

The final AGM Agenda is now available online.

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2017-18 Financial Report

October 24, 2018

The Union’s 2017-2018 Financial Report is now available by clicking here.

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2018 Agm Final Meeting Details

October 23, 2018

This is the final list of all meeting dates, times and locations.

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Sitrep 28/2018

October 19, 2018

Presumptive cancer Bill debated in the NSW Parliament
Emergency Services Bill passes the NSW Parliament
Health checks on hold
New AMP show cause guidelines
“Z relieving” dead and buried
In brief …

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2018 Agm Agenda

October 19, 2018

This is the agenda for the 108th Annual General Meeting of the Union.

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