
Pay sheets re Stop Work

…Hospital’s Burns Unit – cheques made out to the Burns Unit can be sent to the Union office and we’ll forward them on. The Department might even follow suit and

3% Firefighter wage increases

and final 3% increase due under the 1997 Awards will now be paid to Permanent members in Feb ’99, and to Retained members in April ’99. Chris Read State Secretary…

SOPP and Sub-Branch Elections

…as of last Friday, 5 April. It is important, however, for members to understand that under the new SOPP system no Leading Firefighter will be permitted to act-up to Station…

Permanents’ 4% payrise

The latest Award payrise for permanent members of 4% took effect on 9 August, and will therefore now appear in this fortnight’s pays due tomorrow. This is the second last…

UK: FBEU letter of support

“On behalf of the professional firefighters of NSW I convey our Union’s full and unqualified support for the FBU’s current struggle for wage justice and trade union rights.” 15 November…

Award update #15, D&D Variations

…scheduled to review the Department’s offer and make its recommendation to members next Friday, and a Special General Meeting is expected to follow in the week commencing Monday 7 June….

Media Release: Alexandria aerial appliance

Carr Govt to cut high-rise service – Firefighters threaten action tomorrow The Fire Brigade Employees’ Union (FBEU) today slammed the Carr Government’s decision to scrap the Alexandria Fire Station’s high-rise…

Progress report on SGM resolutions

for a review of both Leading and Senior Firefighter ranks during the negotiations for the next award, which are scheduled to start in the middle of next year. This same…

Union wins FL4 payrises (again!)

…rank is a strictly transitional rank for the previous FL4 members only. For all other existing and future members, progression will remain from FL1 to FL2 after 24 months, and