
Sitrep 22/2023

April 21, 2023
Covid-19 Risk Assessment Feedback Last week the FBEU submitted to FRNSW feedback regarding their most recent draft Covid-19 Risk Assessment. A copy of this feedback can be found here. We continue to press FRNSW for a meeting to discuss not only our […]
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Sitrep 19/2023: Award Negotiation Update

April 4, 2023
Fix Our Fire Service Industrial Campaign and Code Reds Continue As we advised in our last sitrep to members, today the FBEU and FRNSW met again for Award negotiations. You might recall that as part of the outcome of FRNSW’s […]
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Sitrep 14/2023 : Industrial Campaign: Let’s Fix Our Fire Service

March 22, 2023
Award Update – It’s Time for Members to Show Your Support for the Fix Our Fire Service Industrial Campaign As per our previous update on Award negotiations, yesterday the FBEU and FRNSW spent several hours in conciliation before the IRC […]
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Sitrep 13 Of 2023 – State Election Campaigners Needed; Health Checks Dispute; Award Negotiations; Covid Risk Assessment.

March 17, 2023
State Election 2023 – We Need You Pre-poll for the State Election starts tomorrow, and our members are fired up and having a huge impact through our campaign. Hundreds of members have so far turned out to campaign against this […]
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Sitrep 10/2023

March 1, 2023
Award Negotiations Stall Temporarily, SOSB Bans Discussed In our last sitrep we updated members in relation to Award negotiations advising that we had managed to secure some time, if limited, with FRNSW to discuss your Log of Claims for Award […]
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Sitrep 9/2023: Award Negotiations, Health Checks And More

February 24, 2023
Award Update Further to the last update on Award negotiations, we can confirm, that after a fair bit of to-ing and fro-ing, we have been able to lock in 3 negotiation meetings with FRNSW prior to our next attendance at […]
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Sitrep 8/2023: Award Negotiations, Campaign Launch, Senior Officers’ Subbranch Meeting

February 17, 2023
Award Update While members have been busy doing the job of FRNSW and campaigning to show the public how underfunded and under resourced we are (see below), the Department has been busy trying to stop fair negotiations for an Award […]
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Sitrep 7/2023: Bargaining, Meal Allowances And State Election

February 10, 2023
Award Update Yesterday I, along with President Mick Johnsen and Senior Industrial Officer Rini Krouskos, met with FRNSW for our second bargaining meeting where, in line with SGM outcomes, we presented our log of claims. FRNSW were receptive to some […]
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Sitrep 6/2023: Labor Promises 600 New Firies; Sgms And Logs Of Claims

February 3, 2023
Labor Promises 600 New Firefighters In a massive announcement for the FBEU, Opposition Leader Chris Minns has today committed to bolster FRNSW staff by 600 additional professional firefighters if elected. This announcement is the biggest investment in professional firefighters seen […]
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