
Sitrep 23/2023

April 28, 2023
Fire fatalities increase – A shocking indictment on the ‘Plus Plan’ ‘We know response times matter’ is one of several phrases uttered reluctantly in a media release from FRNSW today as the department move to publicly disclose the peer-reviewed fire […]
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Sitrep 18/2023

March 28, 2023
Election Day Results – New Premier calls to thank FBEU members As results from closely contested seats continue to trickle in, it is still unclear whether Labor will form Government in their own right or form a minority Government with […]
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Sitrep 17/2023: Nsw Professional Firefighters – When Time’s Not On Your Side, We Are.

March 25, 2023
This week hundreds of FBEU members stood up and spoke out to ensure the message of professional firefighters was heard by the NSW Government and the voting public. Since early voting commenced last Saturday, members have been a constant presence […]
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Sitrep 12 Of 2023 – Vaccine Risk Assessment Update, Minister Comes Out Swinging, And Election Pre-poll

March 10, 2023
Vaccination Risk Assessment Update  Following our most recent request for an update, FRNSW has communicated to the FBEU that they are currently reviewing the COVID-19 Risk Assessment. FRNSW will soon be engaging with Health and Safety Representatives and the FBEU […]
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Sitrep 8/2023: Award Negotiations, Campaign Launch, Senior Officers’ Subbranch Meeting

February 17, 2023
Award Update While members have been busy doing the job of FRNSW and campaigning to show the public how underfunded and under resourced we are (see below), the Department has been busy trying to stop fair negotiations for an Award […]
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