
Sitrep 55/2023 – Welcome Commissioner Fewtrell

October 30, 2023
FBEU welcomes Commissioner Fewtrell I would like to take this opportunity, on behalf of our membership, to congratulate long-time FBEU Member Jeremy Fewtrell on his appointment as the new FRNSW Commissioner. As a firefighter and FBEU member for almost three […]
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Sitrep 37/2023

July 21, 2023
Consultancy Inquiry Submission Following this week’s announcement of the departure of Paul Baxter as FRNSW Commissioner, the agency has had extensive media coverage for all the wrong reasons.    As cited in Sitrep #36, there are significant legacy issues left behind […]
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Sitrep 36/2023

July 17, 2023
FRNSW part ways with Commissioner Paul Baxter  Emergency Services Minister Jihad Dib has this afternoon announced the resignation of Commissioner Paul Baxter. On behalf of members of the FBEU, we wish Paul all the best with his future endeavours outside […]
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Sitrep 35/2023: Vax Policy; Inquiry Into Consultants

July 14, 2023
FRNSW Covid-19 Vaccination Policy Proposed to be Replaced The FBEU received correspondence on Monday from FRNSW advising that they intend to replace the current stand-alone Covid-19 Vaccination Policy with a new Vaccination and Screening Requirements policy. The draft of this policy […]
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Sitrep 28/2023

May 26, 2023
Fix our FRNSW leadership The Fix Our Fire Service campaign continues to highlight the severe underfunding and lack of resources of our fire service and the impact that it is having on our safety and ability to protect the community. […]
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Sitrep 23/2023

April 28, 2023
Fire fatalities increase – A shocking indictment on the ‘Plus Plan’ ‘We know response times matter’ is one of several phrases uttered reluctantly in a media release from FRNSW today as the department move to publicly disclose the peer-reviewed fire […]
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Sitrep 62/2022: Meeting With The Premier; Sydney Metro; Last Scom Meeting For 2022 And The Commissioner’s Fading Memory

December 16, 2022
FBEU Meeting with Premier Perrottet  The FBEU met with Premier Dominic Perrottet earlier this week, to discuss a wide range of issues that are crucial to our membership. I was pleased that the Premier was willing to consider most of […]
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