
Election Results Delayed

June 5, 2009

The result of the Union’s 2009 ballot for a new State Committee of Management has been delayed until June 23rd 2009. The Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) will not start counting ballots until noon on Tuesday 23rd and the result of the election may not be known until 5 pm on this day.

The decision to delay the declaration and therefore the announcement of the new full State Committee of Management comes after a number of members complained they had not received ballot papers and the AEC conducted an audit of the Union’s records. That audit established that 23 members of the Union were identified as being no more than $62 in arrears with Union dues and therefore entitled to ballot papers.

On this basis the election timeline has been held open until the 23 persons identified have been given sufficient time to receive, consider and return their ballot papers.

The AEC has now made clear that it will not start counting ballot papers until all eligible members of the Union have had an opportunity to vote. The Returning Officer has also clearly stated that he will be conducting this election in absolute conformity with Section 193 (1) b of the Workplace Relations Act 1996.

Whilst the election campaign has now concluded for all members other than those 23 identified, I urge all candidates for office in the Union to maintain a dignified and united approach.

We are all stronger when we stay United

Simon Flynn
State Secretary



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