
Sitrep 34/2023

July 7, 2023

Award Update

Award negotiations have progressed between us and FRNSW this week. We were able to meet on both Monday and Tuesday and we continue to move forward with discussions on our Log of Claims, in particular key items around staffing, qualifications, progression and promotion, and classifications (station based/non-station based roles). While we still have quite a bit of work to do, your bargaining team is continuing to press FRNSW to ensure that even for what may be only a short Award period, we achieve movement in these areas that we all know need urgent fixing.

Along with these meetings, we also held a report back before the IRC yesterday to update the Commission on the status of the negotiations.

Both the FBEU and FRNSW took a consent position to the IRC seeking a further three weeks of meetings with the aim of reaching a consent position on all three Awards. In order to achieve this, a series of meetings have been scheduled between us and FRNSW across the next three weeks and we are due to report back to the IRC on 31 July.

Should a consent position be reached by that date we will obviously be bringing this back to you.

In the meantime I’ll keep you all updated on our progress as we continue to meet.

In Unity,

Leighton Drury
State Secretary


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