
Update On Foam

March 27, 2007
This afternoon the Department and the Union met for a briefing about the current bans on the ‘3M AFFF’ foam concentrate and how best to deal with it without exposing FBEU members to unacceptable risk. During that meeting the Union […]
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Do Your Bit For David Hicks: Sign This Petition Today

March 26, 2007
Members may be surprised to learn that after a five year delay, David Hicks’ appointment with a perverted form of justice will begin today when he is arraigned in a Military Commission. As far as we know, this short process […]
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Safety First. 3m Foam Banned – Return To Sender

March 26, 2007
Use or storage of the 3M products known as 3% and 6% Aqueous Film Forming Foam (AFFF) concentrate is now banned by the Union. Even though the Department has stopped purchasing and using this product for a number of years, […]
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Recall To Maintain Required Staffing Levels (clause 9.6.1)

March 22, 2007
Earlier this week the Union received a petition in accordance with Rule 11 calling for a Special General Meeting of members to consider the following. That: the N.S.W. Fire Brigade Employees Union hereby be instructed by its members to rescind […]
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Department Forgets To Pay 8 Years Of Superannuation Payments

March 22, 2007
Well if it can happen to him, it can happen to you. That’s why the Union is urging all members to have a good look at their Superannuation statement’s to see if the Department has made regular and consistent payments […]
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4% Payrise For Permanent Members This Thursday

March 13, 2007
The next 4% pay rise for permanent members took effect on Friday 2 March and will appear in permanent members’ pays this Thursday, 15 March. This is the final increase payable under the current award before it expires in February […]
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Can You Help Teach Peter Debnam’s Liberals A Lesson?

March 8, 2007
Following the resolution of last month’s Special General Meeting your Union has hit the campaign trail running by making some striking election material that urges the public not to vote for the Liberals in the looming the 24 March State […]
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New D&d Award Up And Runnning

March 5, 2007
The Full Bench of the NSW Industrial Relations Commission (IRC) handed down a new D&D Award last Monday, 26 February following 18 months of long and difficult negotiations between the Union and the Public Employment Office.
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Thinking About Co-operating With A Department Private Investigator?

March 2, 2007
Think again. That’s right, Members are instructed not to co-operate with all and any private investigations established by the Department before approval to do so is granted by the Union.
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