Shut and Open Case As previously advised, the dispute over the review of the regulations was the subject of a hearing today in the NSW Industrial Relations Commission.
Today the Union formally listed the dispute over the Regulations review in the NSW Industrial Relations Commission ( IRC ). A hearing has been set down for 1300 hours tomorrow (Thursday).
As expected, the relieving bans which were introduced at 1800 hours last night have resulted in considerable additional overtime being required. However, our Inspector members have struggled (and today were unable) to locate enough off-duty members – both officers and […]
Further to the notice issued last Wednesday the FBEU has since met formally with the Department in an effort to resolve the many concerns we have, principally over the review of the Regulations, but also over the approach the Department […]
Every 5 years, the Regulations to the Fire Brigades Act 1989 (and indeed all Acts) are reviewed. The current 1997 Regulations are therefore now set be replaced on 1 September by new 2002 Regulations. So what do the Regulations do?
Increases From 1 July 2002, Fss And Meals & Refreshments
July 25, 2002
Extra 1% for FSS members From 1 July 2002, all employers were forced to lift their minimum contribution towards their employees’ superannuation accounts, from 8% to 9% of salary.
D&D Update – Benefits to be optional? Negotiations are continuing as to final shape of the new death and disability arrangements, but we remain confident of an agreed settlement shortly.