As many members would now be aware our Death and Disability Award officially ended yesterday – Saturday March 21st 2009. Under NSW labour law our Award stays intact until a new Award is either settled by agreement with the government, […]
The Full Bench of the NSW Industrial Relations Commission (IRC) handed down a new D&D Award last Monday, 26 February following 18 months of long and difficult negotiations between the Union and the Public Employment Office.
A hearing today before Justice Marks of the NSW Industrial Relations Commission (IRC) confirmed that an in-principle agreement for a new D&D Award now exists between the Union and the Public Employment Office. The Union anticipates that the Government will […]
Those members who are covered by the Death and Disability Award should have received their annual statements from the Death and Disability Fund recently. We’ve had some inquiries from some members whose statements indicate they don’t have any entitlements under […]
After months of protracted and futile negotiations between the Government, the Department and the Union we have finally been able to successfully contain the discussions to the two parties with a real say in the matter – Government and the […]
As expected, the explanatory notes which were faxed to all stations/workplaces on Tuesday have led to further questions being asked by members. For the benefit of all members, following on below are our (necessarily brief) answers to some of those […]
As advised in last Friday’s notice, the proposed Death and Disability Award was finalised in negotiations between the Union and Govermnent representatives this afternoon.