
Sitrep 9/2023: Award Negotiations, Health Checks And More

February 24, 2023
Award Update Further to the last update on Award negotiations, we can confirm, that after a fair bit of to-ing and fro-ing, we have been able to lock in 3 negotiation meetings with FRNSW prior to our next attendance at […]
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Sitrep 6/2023: Labor Promises 600 New Firies; Sgms And Logs Of Claims

February 3, 2023
Labor Promises 600 New Firefighters In a massive announcement for the FBEU, Opposition Leader Chris Minns has today committed to bolster FRNSW staff by 600 additional professional firefighters if elected. This announcement is the biggest investment in professional firefighters seen […]
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Sitrep 4/2023: Latest Award Drafts; Sgm Dates

January 24, 2023
Award Log of Claims update – latest versions and SGMs Following a meeting of SCOM last week we can advise that your State Committee have now endorsed latest versions of the Log of Claims for the Permanent, Retained and D&D […]
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Sitrep 1/2023 – Welcome To 2023, And Log Of Claims

January 6, 2023
Happy New Year Happy New Year to all our members. We hope you had a happy and relaxed Christmas and New Year period. We’re looking forward to a productive and successful 2023 with the help of our members. Draft Log […]
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Sitrep 63/2022: Frnsw’s State Election Message; Draft Log Of Claims; Public Holiday Pay And A Christmas Message From Us

December 23, 2022
FRNSW’s State Election Message  Yesterday, you would have received email correspondence from the Commissioner concerning “political neutrality” during the upcoming NSW State Election.  Whilst the email addresses the limitations around firefighters’ capacity to partake in political conversations as a FRNSW […]
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Sitrep 62/2022: Meeting With The Premier; Sydney Metro; Last Scom Meeting For 2022 And The Commissioner’s Fading Memory

December 16, 2022
FBEU Meeting with Premier Perrottet  The FBEU met with Premier Dominic Perrottet earlier this week, to discuss a wide range of issues that are crucial to our membership. I was pleased that the Premier was willing to consider most of […]
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Sitrep 60/2022 – Metro Tunnel Issues Continue; Frnsw Breaches Safework Reporting Requirements; Log Of Claims Summary

November 25, 2022
Log of Claims – Member Meetings Complete and Survey Closed As members would be aware, we recently held meetings across the membership for members to provide input into the log of claims being developed for the next round of Award […]
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